WXSIM Forecast for:
Vounochori Issued by: Meteokav.gr |
Updated: Monday, 08/10/2018 22:00 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed Forecast:
Tonight |
Clear. Patchy light fog after midnight. Low 9°. Wind north around 4 kph. |
Tuesday |
Sunny. Patchy light fog in the morning. High 18°. UV index up to 5. Wind north around 4 kph in the morning, becoming south-southeast in the afternoon. |
Tuesday night |
Clear. Low 8°. Wind north around 6 kph. |
Wednesday |
Sunny. High 18°. UV index up to 4. Wind north-northeast around 4 kph in the morning, becoming east in the afternoon. |
Wednesday night |
Clear. Low 7°. Wind north-northeast around 6 kph. |
Thursday |
Partly to mostly sunny. High 18°. UV index up to 4. Wind north-northeast around 4 kph in the morning, becoming east-southeast in the afternoon. |
Thursday night |
Fair in the evening, becoming partly cloudy after midnight. Low 8°. Wind northeast around 4 kph. |
Friday |
Partly cloudy in the morning, becoming sunny in the afternoon. High 18°. UV index up to 4. Wind northeast around 4 kph in the morning, becoming east-southeast in the afternoon. |
Friday night |
Clear in the evening, becoming partly cloudy after midnight. Low 8°. Wind north-northeast around 5 kph. |
Saturday |
Mostly sunny in the morning, becoming sunny in the afternoon. High 18°. UV index up to 4. Wind northeast around 4 kph in the morning, becoming east in the afternoon. |
Saturday night |
Fair in the evening, becoming fair to partly cloudy after midnight. Low 8°. Wind east-northeast around 5 kph in the evening, becoming north-northeast after midnight. |
Forecast Explanations
Details: This is an automated forecast, based on weather data collected automatically from Vounochori's Personal Weather Station and other resourses (numerical weather models, radiosonde, observations and METARS all over SE Europe etc) It refers to Vounochori's village and the area around it. Temperature and relative humidity are calculated at the elevation of the weather station (830m) and may vary depending on the elevation of other city areas. Weather data collection and processing takes place every 6 hours and the forecast is issued on this webpage after 35 minutes when data processing is over. The forecasting accuracy is better than 80% for the first 24 hours, 70% for the next 48hours etc.
*Precipitation: Rain, snow, hail and all other forms of water falling from the sky. It is counted in mm. (Equivalent= l/m^2 - liters per square meter). Snow, is referred as water (melted snow = water equivalent in mm) *UV Index: The UV index is an international standard measurement of how strong the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is at a particular place on a particular day. The Index predicts UV intensity levels on a scale of 1 to 11+, where 1 indicates a low risk of overexposure and 11+ signifies an extreme risk! *Humidex: *The humidex is an index used by Meteorologists to describe how hot the weather feels to the average person, by combining the effect of heat and humidity. For example, if the temperature is 30oC and the calculated humidex is 40, that indicates that the humid heat feels approximately like a dry temperature of 40oC. *According to the Meteorological Service of Canada, a humidex of at least 30 causes "some discomfort", at least 40 causes "great discomfort" and above 45 is "dangerous." When the humidex hits 54, heat stroke is imminent. *The index is widely used in weather reports during summer. |
Update Schedule: 03:30 - 09:30
local time
during summer time, +2
during winter time)
WXSIM forecast formatting script by Saratoga-Weather.org.